Hiding and showing the navigation panel

You can temporarily hide the imaging navigation panel (panel on the left that contains the Image Navigator and the Images and Tools tabs) to view each image for a patient individually without having to select each single image, series of images, or set of images. With the panel hidden, you use buttons to navigate forward and backward through the patient's entire image history one image at a time.

To hide the navigation panel

In Dentrix Ascend Imaging, click (or tap) the Hide Panel button. The viewing area continues to display whichever radiograph, photo, CAD/CAM scan, or 3D volume was selected in the image list.

Use the Newer (left chevron) button and Older (right chevron) button to navigate between newer and older images, according to acquisition order, as needed.

To show the navigation panel

In Dentrix Ascend Imaging, click (or tap) the Show Panel button. For whichever type of image you are viewing (radiograph, photo, CAD/CAM scan, or 3D volume), the corresponding item in the image list is selected automatically.