Expiring questionnaires

You can expire a questionnaire as needed. Expiring a questionnaire resets the due date of the form to the current date for all patients, regardless of what the expiration date was before it was reset. So, any patients who completed the form previously must complete it again.

Note: The expiring of a questionnaire is organization specific.

To expire a questionnaire

  1. If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.

  2. On the Settings menu, under Location, click (or tap) Patient Forms.

    The Patient Forms page opens.

  3. Under Questionnaires, select an active form (the name will be in black text to indicate that it is active).

    The options for the form become available.

  4. Select the Expire all previous patient form submissions checkbox.

  5. Click (or tap) Save.

Example of Expiring Patient Forms Already Completed

