Excluding race or ethnicity options
Patient settings are lists of certain types of information that can be assigned to patients' records. Two such patient settings are for a patient's race and ethnicity. You can choose to exclude race and/or ethnicity options from being available for selection in patients' records.
Excluding race or ethnicity options affects all locations of your organization.
Excluding race or ethnicity options requires the "Manage Patient Settings" security right.
To exclude race or ethnicity options
On the Settings menu, under Location, click (or tap) Patient Care.
The Patient Settings page opens.
On the left, select a setting type:
Race - The code and description for each race appears in the list on the right. This list corresponds to the Race list on the Basic Info tab of the Patient Information page in a patient's record.
Note: You cannot modify the list of races. Also, the codes and descriptions are determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Ethnicity - The code and description for each ethnicity appears in the list on the right. This list corresponds to the Ethnicity list on the Basic Info tab of the Patient Information page in a patient's record.
Note: You cannot modify the list of ethnicities. Also, the codes and descriptions are determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
To exclude the corresponding options from patients' records, set the Include on Patient Info switch (above the list) to Off.