Enrolling for ERAs with payers

After you complete the ERA service enrollment process and receive a welcome email message, you can start enrolling for ERAs with the participating payers (insurance carriers) that you submit claims to. 


  • You should enroll all the Tax Identification Numbers (TINs) that your organization uses for claims.

  • Payers deliver ERAs by TIN, so an ERA may contain data for claims from multiple locations if those locations use the same TIN for claim submissions.

  • A payer may take up to 30 business days to approve your request. When the enrollment process with a given payer is complete, you will start receiving ERAs from that payer.

To enroll for ERAs with payers

  1. Navigate to the DentalXChange website for Henry Schein One products (https://www.dentalxchange.com/channel-partner/lp/henry-schein-one).

  2. Click Enroll in ERAs.

    The ERA Enrollment Form page opens.

  3. For Which payers would you like to enroll with to receive ERA's from?, select the names of the payers you submit claims to so you can enroll for ERAs with those payers.

  4. For Dental Service Organization (DSO), select Yes if you are affiliated with a DSO; otherwise, leave No selected if you are not. 

  5. If you are affiliated with a DSO (you selected Yes in the previous step), for DSO Specific Information, type the name of your dental practice or DSO, the number of dental practices, and the the number of TINs.

  6. For Practice Information, specify the following practice information: name, address, Tax ID, billing NPI, and Medicaid ID (optional). Also, select Dentrix Enterprise as your Practice Management Software

  7. For How many providers do you want to enroll?, select the number of providers to be enrolled.

  8. For each provider being enrolled, a Provider [#] Information section appears. For each provider, type the full name and NPI.

  9. For TIN Information, specify the following information:

    • Tax Identification Number (TIN) - Type the TIN.

    • Legal Name of Business Entity - Type the legal name (as shown on tax returns).

    • Trade Name of DBA, if any - Type the trade name or DBA (doing business as) name.

    • Billing Address - Type the street address, city, state, and ZIP Code.

    • Billing NPI - Type the type 2 NPI.

    • Rendering NPI - Type the type 1 NPI. 

    • Point of Contact for Insurance Portal - Type the name of the contact person.

  10. For What is your contact information?, type your name, job title, email address, and phone number.

  11. For Complete the verification below, select the I'm not a robot checkbox.

  12. Click Submit.

    The Thank You page appears when the enrollment form has been received.

  13. To complete another enrollment form, click Submit a New Enrollment.