Deleting appointment communications
You can delete an appointment communication (an email message and a text message that get sent to patients automatically regarding their appointments) that you no longer want to use.
Note: Alternatively, you can inactivate an appointment communication.
To delete an appointment communication
If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.
On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, click (or tap) Patient Communications.
The Patient Communications page opens.
On the Appointment tab, click (or tap) a communication.
Samples of the corresponding email message and text message appear, and the options for the communication become available.
Appt scheduled
Appt confirmed
Appt start (without ability to confirm)
Appt start (with ability to confirm)
Appt broken
Appt no show
Appt completed
Click (or tap) Delete.
A confirmation message appears.
Click (or tap) Delete.