Clinical note quick-picks list
Dentrix Ascend provides the following quick-picks for clinical note templates:
Name |
Description |
Options |
Anesthetic Area |
The area for the anesthetic |
Select one:
Anesthetic for Tooth |
The tooth that the anesthetic was injected adjacent to |
Select one:
Anesthetic, Local |
The local anesthetic that was injected |
Select one:
Anesthetic, Needle Gauge |
The gauge of the needle that was used |
Select one:
Anesthetic, Needle Length |
The length of the needle that was used |
Select one:
Anesthetic, None Given |
The reason that no anesthesia was given |
Select one:
Anesthetic, Topical |
The topical anesthetic that was used |
Select one:
Bonding Agent |
The bonding agent that was used |
Select one:
Carpules, Fraction |
The fraction of the whole carpules that were injected |
Select one:
Carpules, Qty |
The whole number of carpules that were injected |
Select one:
Cement, Permanent |
The cement that was used |
Select one:
Cement, Temporary |
The temporary filling that was used |
Select one:
Cosmetic Aberration |
The cosmetic abberation that the patient has |
Select one:
Cosmetic Aberration Notes |
Notes regarding the cosmetic abberation, such as the location |
Type text |
Cosmetic Aberration Treatable |
Whether or not the cosmetic abberation is treatable |
Select one:
Cosmetic Area |
The area of the cosmetic issue |
Select one:
Cosmetic Issue |
The cosmetic issue that the patient has |
Select one:
Cosmetic Level |
The severity of the cosmetic issue |
Select one:
Crown Replacement Reason |
The reason for the crown replacement |
Select one:
Crown Type |
The type of crown |
Select one:
Decay Detection Method |
The method that the decay was detected by |
Select all that apply:
Decay Level |
The level of existing decay that the patient has |
Select one:
Denture Arch |
The denture arch |
Select one:
Exam Type |
The clinical exam type |
Select one:
Eval MA, Lip Habits |
Notes regarding the myofunctional analysis that was made of the lip habits |
Type text |
Eval MA, Speech |
Notes regarding the myofunctional analysis that was made of the speech habits |
Type text |
Eval MA, Tongue Habits |
Notes regarding the myofunctional analysis that was made of the tongue habits |
Type text |
Eval TMJ Diagnosis |
The TMJ diagnosis |
Select one:
Eval TMJ, Motion/Deviation |
The level of TMJ motion or deviation |
Select one:
Eval TMJ, Subluxation/Crepitus |
The level of TMJ subluxation or crepitus |
Select one:
Eval TMJ, Symptoms Report |
Notes regarding the TMJ symptoms that the patient reported. |
Type text |
Habits, Bulemia/Anorexia |
The result of the evaluation of signs of bulemia or anorexia |
Select one:
Habits, Cheek Biting |
The result of the evaluation of signs of cheek biting |
Select one:
Habits, Chewing Tobacco |
The result of the evaluation of signs of smokeless tobacco use |
Select one:
Habits, Cig Smoking |
The result of the evaluation of signs of cigarette and/or cigar smoking |
Select one:
Habits, Gum Chewing |
The result of the evaluation of signs of gum chewing |
Select one:
Habits, Mouth Breathing |
The result of the evaluation of signs of mouth breathing |
Select one:
Habits, Nail Biting |
The result of the evaluation of signs of nail biting |
Select one:
Habits, Other |
Notes regarding any other habits that the patient exhibits signs of |
Type text |
Habits, Pipe Smoking |
The result of the evaluation of signs of pipe smoking |
Select one:
Habits, Substance Abuse |
The result of the evaluation of signs of substance abuse |
Select one:
Habits, Teeth Grind/Clench |
The result of the evaluation of signs of teeth grinding and/or clenching |
Select one:
Habits, Thumb Sucking |
The result of the evaluation of signs of thumb and/or finger sucking |
Select one:
Habits, Tongue Thrusting |
The result of the evaluation of signs of tongue thrusting |
Select one:
Habits, Toothpick Use |
The result of the evaluation of signs of toothpick or stimulator use |
Select one:
Health Issues |
The health issues that apply to the patient |
Select all that apply:
Occlusion, Aesthetic, Dr. |
The perception of the doctor regarding the aesthetics of the occlusion |
Select one:
Occlusion, Aesthetic, Patient |
The perception of the patient regarding the aesthetics of the occlusion |
Select one:
Occlusion, Appliance Space |
Notes regarding the space that is available for appliances |
Type text |
Occlusion, Arch Length |
The result of the examination of the arch length |
Select one:
Occlusion, Classification |
The classification of the occlusion |
Select one:
Occlusion, Crossbite |
The result of the examination for crossbite |
Select one:
Occlusion, Crowding |
The result of the examination for crowding |
Select one:
Occlusion, Function, Dr. |
The perception of the doctor regarding the functionality of the occlusion |
Select one:
Occlusion, Function, Patient |
The perception of the doctor regarding the functionality of the occlusion |
Select one:
Occlusion, Left Lateral |
Notes regarding the left lateral side of the occlusion |
Type text |
Occlusion, Overall Spacing |
The result of an examination of the overall spacing |
Select one:
Occlusion, Overbite (mm) |
The length of the overbite in millimeters |
Type text |
Occlusion, Overjet (mm) |
The length of the overjet in millimeters |
Type text |
Occlusion, Right Lateral |
Notes regarding the right lateral side of the occlusion |
Type text |
Oral Hygiene, Calculus |
Notes regarding the examination of calculus |
Type text |
Oral Hygiene, Food Impaction |
Notes regarding the examination of food impaction |
Type text |
Oral Hygiene, Overall |
The assessment of the overall oral hygiene |
Select one:
Oral Hygiene, Plaque |
Notes regarding the examination of plaque |
Type text |
Oral Hygiene, Stain |
Notes regarding the examination of stains on the teeth |
Type text |
Oral Pathology Level |
The severity level of the oral pathology |
Select one:
Oral Pathology Prognosis |
The prognosis of the oral pathology |
Select one:
Oral Pathology Treatment |
The recommended treament option for the oral pathology |
Select one:
Oral Pathology Type |
The type of oral pathology present |
Select one:
Oral Pathology, Tooth Related |
The determination of the oral pathology being tooth related |
Select one:
Oral Rinse |
The oral rinse that was used |
Select one:
Ortho Issue |
The reason for the orthodontic referral |
Select all that apply:
Pain Area |
The area of the pain |
Select one:
Pain Level |
The pain level tha was reported by the patient |
Select one:
Pain Manifestation |
What there is evidence of regarding the pain |
Select one:
Patient Dismissal Reason |
The reason that the patient was dismissed |
Select one:
Patient Referred, Reason |
The reason for the referral |
Select one:
Patient Referred, Specialty |
The specialty of the doctor who the patient was referred to |
Select one:
Patient Response, Sensitivity |
Whether or not the patient experiences sensitivity |
Select one:
Perio, Attached Gingiva |
The result of the examination of the ginigival attachment |
Select one:
Perio, Bleeding |
The level of gingival bleeding |
Select one:
Perio, Bone Loss Pattern |
The bone loss pattern |
Select one:
Perio, Bone Loss Severity |
The severity of the bone loss |
Select one:
Perio, Calculus |
The level of calculus |
Select one:
Perio, Classification |
The periodontal classification |
Select one:
Perio, Color |
The color of the gingiva |
Select one:
Perio, Consistency |
The consistency of the gingiva |
Select one:
Perio, Hypersensitivity |
The level of dentinal hypersensitivity |
Select one:
Perio, Inflammation |
The level of gingival inflammation |
Select one:
Perio, Margins |
The result of the examination of the free gingival margins |
Select one:
Perio, Miscellaneous |
Additional notes regarding the periodontal examination |
Type text |
Perio, Papillae |
The result of the examination of the interdental papillae |
Select one:
Perio, Plaque |
The level of plaque |
Select one:
Perio, Stain |
Whether or not stain is present |
Select one:
Perio, Stain Pigment |
The description of the pigment of the stain |
Select one:
Perio, Sulcus |
The result of the examination of the gingival sulcus |
Select one:
Perio, Suppuration |
The level of suppuration |
Select one:
Perio, Texture |
The texture of the gingiva surface |
Select one:
Phosphoric Acid Etchant % |
The phosphoric acid etchant percent |
Select one:
Post-Op Given |
Who the post-op instructions were given to |
Select one:
Post-Op Instructions |
How the post-op instructions were given |
Select all that apply:
Prophy Scaling |
The degree of scaling |
Select one:
Pulp Test |
The reading of the pulp test |
Select one:
Quadrant-Select Multiple |
The quadrants |
Select all that apply:
Quadrant-Select One |
The quadrant |
Select one:
Quadrant-With Pain |
The quadrant where the pain is present |
Select one:
Restoration Material |
The restoration material |
Select one:
Restorative Issues |
Notes regarding any additional restorative issues |
Type text |
Return Appointment |
Select whether or not a return appointment was scheduled |
Select one:
Rx Drug Name |
The drug name |
Select one:
Rx Quantity |
The quantity to dispense |
Select one:
Rx Refills |
The number of refills that are allowed |
Select one:
Rx Sig - Instructions |
The dosing instructions |
Select one:
Rx to Pharmacy |
The method that the prescription was given to the pharmacy |
Select one:
Shade # |
Type the shade number for the specified shade letter and shade guide |
Type text |
Shade Guide |
The shade guide that was used |
Select one:
Shade Letter |
The shade letter |
Select one:
Size of Ulcer |
The size of the ulcer |
Select one:
Sextant-Select Multiple |
The sextants |
Select sextant(s):
Sextant-Select One |
The sextant |
Select sextant:
STE Extraoral Head/Neck |
Notes regarding the soft-tissue examination of the head and neck |
Type text |
STE Floor of Mouth |
Notes regarding the soft-tissue examination of the floor of the mouth |
Type text |
STE Labial/Buccal Mucosa |
Notes regarding the soft-tissue examination of the labial or buccal mucosa |
Type text |
STE Lips |
Notes regarding the soft-tissue examination of the lips |
Type text |
STE Lymph Chain |
Notes regarding the soft-tissue examination of the lymph chain |
Type text |
STE Palate, Hard/Soft |
Notes regarding the soft-tissue examination of the hard or soft palate |
Type text |
STE Pharynx |
Notes regarding the soft-tissue examination of the pharynx |
Type text |
STE Tongue |
Notes regarding the soft-tissue examination of the tongue |
Type text |
Surface-Select |
The surfaces |
Select all that apply:
Surface-Select Text |
The surface |
Select one:
Surfaces Covered-Old |
The surfaces that were covered by the old restoration |
Select all that apply:
Temperature |
What the patient has sensitivity to |
Select one:
TMJ Joints |
The TMJ |
Select one:
Tooth-Missing |
The tooth that is missing |
Select one:
Tooth-Receiving Treatment |
The tooth that is receiving treatment |
Select one:
Tooth-Select Multiple |
The teeth |
Select all that apply:
Tooth-Select One |
The tooth |
Select one:
Tooth-With Pain |
The tooth that is causing the patient pain |
Select one:
Tx Plan |
The recommended treatment option |
Select one:
Tx Plan, Bridge/Crown |
Whether the recommended treatment is for a bridge or a crown |
Select one:
Tx Plan, Ready for Crown |
The treatment that was performed to make the tooth ready for a crown |
Select one: