Changing the ERA routing method
As needed, you can change how ERAs are routed for enrolled locations in your organization.
Dentrix Ascend attempts to determine the correct location for each claim on an ERA by using either the Claim ID or, if one is not found, the Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) and Type-2 Billing NPI. Depending on the routing method, Dentrix Ascend may split an ERA (835) after receiving it from the payer and then route those portions of the ERA to their respective locations.
Changing the ERA routing method requires the "Manage ERA Enrollment" security right.
To change the ERA routing method
On the Settings menu, under Production, click (or tap) ERA Options.
The ERA Options page opens.
Select the ERA Routing tab.
To specify the routing method that will be used for ERAs, select one of the following options:
Route ERAs per location - Each ERA will be routed to the originating claim's location.
Route ERAs to Central Billing Office - Each ERA will be routed to the specified central billing office regardless of the origination claim's location. With this option selected, select the correct location from the Central Billing Office list.
Route ERAs to Regional Billing Offices - Each ERA will be routed to the specified regional billing office for the originating claim's location. However, if an originating claim's location is not assigned to a region, the corresponding ERA will be routed to that location.
With this option selected, do the following as needed:
To create a regional billing group, do the following:
Click (or tap) New Regional Billing Group.
A new group with an editable text box is inserted at the top of the list.
In the box, enter a name for the billing group.
Click (or tap) the Done (check mark) button.
To rename a regional billing group, do the following:
Next to the name of a billing group, click (or tap) the Edit (pencil) button.
The name becomes editable.
Change the name as needed.
Click (or tap) the Done (check mark) button.
To remove a regional billing group, do the following:
Click (or tap) a billing group's Remove (trash can) button.
A confirmation message appears. Any locations that are assigned to that billing group will be unassigned.
Click (or tap) Delete.
To assign locations to a regional billing group, do the following:
Expand Unassigned locations.
Select the checkbox of each location to be assigned to the billing group.
On the Move Selected To menu, click (or tap) the name of the correct billing group.
The Select Regional Billing Office(s) dialog box appears.
From the list of locations that you are assigning to the billing group, select the correct billing office for the group.
Click (or tap) Select.
To designate a different location in a billing group as the regional billing office, do the following:
Expand a billing group.
Expand the option menu (three dots) of the location to be designated as a regional billing office, and then click (or tap) Set as Regional Billing Office.
To move locations to a different regional billing group, do the following:
Expand one or more billing groups.
Select the checkbox of each location to be moved.
On the Move Selected To menu, click (or tap) the name of the correct billing group.
If one or more billing offices must be designated as a result of moving the locations, the Select Regional Billing Office(s) dialog box appears; complete the remaining steps.
If you are moving one or more locations that are already designated as billing offices, for each billing group that will still contain locations after the move, you must specify a replacement billing office. If you are moving the selected locations to an empty billing group, you must designate one of the locations that you are moving as the billing office. So, for each billing group shown, select the correct location from the corresponding list.
Click (or tap) Select.
To remove locations from a regional billing group, do the following:
Expand a billing group.
Select the checkbox of each location to be removed.
On the Move Selected To menu, click (or tap) Unassigned locations.
If you are removing a location that is designated as the billing office for that group, and if that group will still contain locations after the removal, the Select Regional Billing Office(s) dialog box appears; complete the remaining steps.
From the list of remaining locations, select a replacement location as the billing office.
Click (or tap) Select.
Click (or tap) Save Enrollment Updates.
If ERAs are being routed to a central billing office, an enrolled location must be selected as the billing office, and at least one location must be enrolled.
If ERAs are being routed to regional billing offices, for each region with assigned locations, an enrolled location must be selected as the billing office, and at least one other enrolled location must be included.
The Save Changes confirmation message appears with a summary of the pending changes.
Click (or tap) Save Enrollment Updates.