Changing location hours
You can change your location's hours as needed.
To change a location's hours
If you are not already viewing the correct location, select it on the Location menu.
On the Settings menu, under Location, click (or tap) Location Hours.
The Location Hours page opens and displays an overview of the weekly schedule.
Click (or tap) Edit Hours.
The available time ranges appear in a list.
Select a time range.
The options for editing the time range become available.
Change a time range, and/or specify the appropriate days of the week as needed.
Set up the following options:
Times - Enter the Start and End time of the range (for example, 8:00AM to 12:00PM).
Tip: You can enter a time using various formats. For example, you can type 08:30, 8:30a, or 8:30 AM; 8a or 8am; 13:30, 1:30p, or 1:30 PM; or 1p or 1pm.
Days - Select the days of the week for which this time range applies (for example, Monday through Friday).
Click (or tap) Save.
Repeat steps 4-6 for any other time ranges that you want to edit.
When you are viewing the overview of the weekly schedule on the Location Hours page, gray slots indicate when the office is closed, and white slots indicate when the office is open.