Approving EPCS registrations for multiple providers
If you have multiple providers who use ePrescribe to prescribe controlled substances (EPCS), after they have registered for EPCS, each provider must be approved manually. The following individuals are required in order to complete the EPCS approval process (two of the three types of users must be DEA registrants):
Providers - The Providers who have successfully registered for EPCS. These Providers must be DEA registrants.
Admin - The Admin grants EPCS privileges to Providers and sets up at least two Providers as Approvers. The Admin cannot be a DEA registrant.
Approvers - As an Approver, each Provider approves Providers other than him or herself. Approvers are Providers who have registered for EPCS, so they are DEA registrants.
Step 1 (Admin) - Grant EPCS privileges to Providers
An Admin must do the following to grant EPCS privileges to Providers:
Log in to Dentrix Ascend as an ePrescribe Admin. On the User menu, select Electronic Prescriptions.
ePrescribe opens in "task mode" (with the Reports tab selected by default).
Select the Settings tab.
Click (or tap) the Manage EPCS link.
The Registration of Electronic Providers for EPCS page appears.
From the list at the top, select Grant EPCS Privilege - View.
Select the checkboxes next to the Providers to whom you are granting EPCS privileges.
Click (or tap) Grant EPCS Privilege.
Click (or tap) Back to return to the Settings tab.
Step 2 (Admin) - Set up Approvers
The Admin must do the following to set up the permissions for at least two Providers to be Approvers:
On the Settings tab, click (or tap) the Edit Users link.
The Edit Users page appears.
Click (or tap) the Edit link to the left of a Provider who will be an Approver.
The options to edit the user's information appear.
Scroll to the bottom. Under EPCS Settings, select the EPCS Approver checkbox.
Scroll back to the top, and then click (or tap) Save User.
You are returned to the Edit Users page.
Repeat steps 8-11 to set up other Approvers as needed.
To close ePrescribe, click (or tap) Done and then Confirm on the confirmation message that appears.
Step 3 (Approver) - Approve Providers
After the Admin sets up the Approvers, each Approver must do the following to approve a Provider other than him or herself:
Log in to Dentrix Ascend as an Approver. On the User menu, select Electronic Prescriptions.
ePrescribe opens in "task mode" (with the Tasks tab selected by default).
On the right, under Urgent Message, click (or tap) the Manage EPCS Approvals link.
The Registration of Electronic Providers for EPCS page appears.
Note: In the list at the top, Approve Provider for EPCS Signing Permission - View is selected automatically.
Select the checkbox next to the Providers who you are approving for the signing of electronic prescriptions for controlled substances.
Click (or tap) Approve EPCS Signing Privilege.
The EPCS Permission Due Diligence Dialog dialog box appears.
Review the information, and select all four checkboxes.
Enter your Veradigm security account credentials in the User Name and Password boxes.
Select Authenticator from the Token Device list.
In the One Time Password (OTP) box, enter the OTP from the Authenticator app on your smart device.
Click Accept.
To close ePrescribe, click (or tap) Done and then Confirm on the confirmation message that appears.
Step 4 (Provider) - Update DEA schedule & verify EPCS approval
A Provider can do the following to update his or her DEA schedule and verify if the EPCS approval process is complete so he or she can begin prescribing controlled substances:
Log in to Dentrix Ascend as a Provider. On the User menu, select Electronic Prescriptions.
ePrescribe opens in "task mode."
To open your ePrescribe user profile, click the pencil icon
next to the user name in the upper-right corner.
The options to edit the user's information appear.
Scroll down to DEA License. Verify that the DEA Schedule (II, III, IV, V) selections are correct. If they are not, you can update them.
To update the DEA schedule, do the following:
Click (or tap) the Edit link.
The options appear.
Next to DEA Schedule, select or clear checkboxes (II, III, V, and/or IV) as applicable.
Click (or tap) Update.
Scroll down to EPCS Settings. Verify that EPCS Permission has "On" next to it. If it does, you have the necessary permission to prescribe, sign, and send electronic prescriptions for controlled substances.
If you have made any changes, click (or tap) Save.