Adding billing types
Patient settings are lists of certain types of information that can be assigned to patients' records. One such patient setting is for a guarantor's billing type. You can add billing types as needed.
Adding billing types affects all locations of your organization.
Adding billing types requires the "Manage Patient Settings" security right.
To add a billing type
On the Settings menu, under Patient Care, click (or tap) Patient Settings.
The Patient Settings page opens.
On the left, select Billing Type. The billing types appear in the list on the right. This list corresponds to the Billing Type list on the Basic Info tab of the Patient Information page in a guarantor's record.
Click (or tap) Add Billing Type.
The Add Billing Type dialog box appears.
Set up the following options:
Billing Type Name - A name to identify the billing type in selection lists.
Set as default - The default billing type for each new guarantor record. Changing the default billing type does not affect existing guarantor records.
Click (or tap) Add.