Locating next appointments
In eDex, you can locate a patient's next appointment and open the Appointment Book to that appointment. You can also change the appointment's status from eDex instead of changing it from the Appointment Book.
To locate a patient's next appointment
1. Select a patient from the eDex Contact List.
2. Click the Open Appointment Book to appointment button.
3. To change the appointment's status, click the down arrow and select the appropriate status from the list:
· ?????? Not Confirmed
· FIRM Appointment Confirmed
· FIRM-E Appt Confirmed by Email
· EMER Emergency Patient
· HERE Patient has Arrived
· READY Ready for Operatory
· LMM Left Message Machine
· LMP Left Message Person
· MULTI Multi-Appointment
· NOFLEX Not Flexible
4. In the Appointment Book, make any necessary changes to the appointment.