In the Treatment Planner, you can view the consent forms that have been set up for and added to a specific case. You can also remove consent forms from or add them to a case.
To add a consent form to a case
1. Click the Treatment Plan Case Setup tab, and then select the case that you want to add a consent form to.
2. In the Treatment Plan Case Setup toolbar, click Consent Forms.
Note: The Consent Forms button changes based on the status of the consent forms in the case. The button will have one of the following four statuses:
· All consent forms have been signed.
· Consent forms missing signature.
· Case has unsigned consent forms.
· No consent forms.
3. The Dentrix Consent Forms dialog box appears.
4. Click the Add icon.
The Consent Form dialog box appears.
5. If necessary, do the following:
· Click the Font Size button (upper-right corner) and then from the menu, select a font size.
Note: By default, the consent form text appears in the Small font size. You also have options for Medium, Large, and X-Large.
· Edit the patient information (Patient/Representative signature, Name, Date, and Relationship to patient) or the practice information (Practice signature, Name, and Date) as necessary.
· Click Additional Notes to add notes to the form, if the consent form does not have any signatures attached.
Note: If the consent form has one or more signatures, and the form has been saved, you cannot add notes to it, nor can you change any patient or provider information.
· Click Save to save any changes.
· Click Print to print the consent form.
Note: You can print any consent form, even an unsigned one.
6. Click Close twice.
The Consent Form and Dentrix Consent Forms dialog boxes close, respectively.