
Creating questionnaire questions

You can create custom questions to tailor your questionnaire forms to fit the specific needs of your office and your patients.

To create a questionnaire question

1.   In the Questionnaire Form Setup dialog box, click New Question.

The Question Setup dialog box appears.

Note: The available response types and a description of each are listed in the Response Type pane.


2.   Select the response type for the question from the list.

Note: You must select a response type from the list. You cannot create a custom response type. The available response types are:

·        Body Text - Adds body text that does not require a response (such as instructions or important information) to the questionnaire form.

·        Header Text - Adds text to a header if you are using headings to divide the sections of the questionnaire form. This text is always centered as is displayed in the fonts shown in the example screen.

·        Sub Header Text - Adds text to a sub-header if you are using sub-headings to divide the sections of the questionnaire form.

·        Condensed Text - Adds small, condensed body text that does not require a response, such as a note or disclaimer, to the questionnaire form.

·        Note Response - Requires respondents to enter a note response. Respondents can enter up to 2,000 characters in the response fields, and you can provide up to 20 blank lines in the questionnaire form for the note response text. To make a note response available from the Update Patient Information dialog box, click Use Note to Update Patient Information.

·        Short Text Response - Provides room for respondents to enter a short response. Respondents can enter up to nine characters in this response type.

·        Date Response - Requires respondents to provide you with a date. You can set the default response date as a specific date or as the current date.

·        Yes or No Response - Requires respondents to respond either yes or no to the question. This is the default response type when you open the Question Setup dialog box.

·        Number Response - Requires respondents to provide you with a number. Respondents can enter up to nine characters in the response field.

·        Amount Response - Requires respondents to provide you with an amount. Respondents can enter up to nine characters, plus a decimal point and two characters after the decimal.

·        One Choice From List - Provides respondents with a list of choices that they must select from. Enter the text for each item in the list found in the Response List text field in the preview area.

·        Checkbox List - Provides respondents with multiple selections. Enter the text for each item in the list in the Response List text field in the preview area.

·        Confirmation - Requires respondents to select a check box to indicate that they have read a block of text (such as a nondisclosure statement or a warning).

·        Signature & Date - Provides respondents with a signature line with a date response. This response type is only useful for forms that will be printed. You can require electronic signatures on forms that will be distributed electronically.

Note: A preview of the response type appears at the bottom of the Question Setup dialog box. Use this preview area to provide additional information or make additional selections for response types that require it.

3.   Type the text of the question that you want to ask in the Question Text field.

Note: A question can have up to 2,500 alphanumeric characters.

a.   To require a response to your questions, select Require response from this field.

Note: Respondents cannot submit questionnaires until they answer all required questions.

b.   To modify or review the text of the question, do one or more of the following:

·        To clear the text, click the Clear button.

·        To cut the text, select it, and then click the Cut button.

·        To copy the text, select it, and then click the Copy button.

·        To paste the text, cut or copy it, and then click the Paste button

·        To check the spelling of the text, click the Check Spelling button.

·        To change the size of the text, click the Display Font Size button, and then click one of the following options: X-Large, Large, Medium, Small (Default).

4.   Click OK.

Note: Repeat this process as many times as necessary until you have created all of the informative text and questions that you want to include on the questionnaire form.