Referral Settings

You can use eCentral to send electronic referrals to other dental professionals. To send referrals, you must set up the providers to whom you will be sending referrals in the Office Manager, your eCentral website, and the DXWeb Toolbar.

You must set up referral providers in the Referral Setup section of DXWeb before you can upload referrals to that provider.

To set up referral providers

1.   In the DXWeb Toolbar, click Settings, and then from the submenu, click Referral Setup.

The Select Referred To dialog box appears.


2.   Select the provider's name from the list or type the first few letters of the provider's last name and click the search button. Click OK.

The Referral Settings dialog box appears.


3.   Do the following:

·        Referral Source - Verify that the provider's contact information is correct.

·        To change the provider's contact information, from the Office Manager, click Maintenance, point to Reference, and click Referral Maintenance. Select the provider and click Edit.

·        If you selected the wrong provider, click the search button, and from the Select Referred To dialog box, select the correct provider.

·        In the User Name text box, type the name you found in the Professional Contact List of the eCentral website. If you do not have the name, from the eCentral website, click the Referral Center tab, click Professional Contact List, and copy the provider's user name to the User Name text box.

·        E-mail Address - Select the email address that you want to use to send referral notifications:

·        Primary E-mail Address - Set up in the Office Manager if you have not already done so.

·        Secondary E-mail Address - Type an address in the text box.

4.   Select Send E-mail Notification, and then click OK.

Note: Once you have set up referrals, you can set up the Referral Upload to send referrals during the WebSync and the Referral Upload Override to send a few referrals at a time without running WebSync.