Insurance Claim Tracking

You can use the Insurance Claim Tracking Setup dialog box to track claims by selecting certain search criteria for claims.

Note: You can use the Insurance Claim Tracking feature to track the progress of claims that have been created in the Ledger. You must create claims in the Ledger before you can track them.

Select Claim Billing Provider

You can sort the claims created by certain billing providers in your electronic claim tracking. To filter the claims by billing provider, click the From search button and select the beginning provider for the range. Next, click the To search button and select the ending provider for the range. To include all providers, leave <ALL> selected.

Minimum Days Past Due

You can also filter the claims according to the balance days past due. To filter claims according to minimum days past due, select Over 30, Over 60, or Over 90. To include all claims regardless of past due date, leave Over 0 selected.

Select Insurance Carriers

Select the insurance carriers you want to include in your electronic claim tracking. To select a range of insurance carriers click the From search button and select the beginning carrier for the range. Next, click the To search button and select the ending carrier for the range. To include all insurance carriers, leave <ALL> selected.

Include Preauthorization Estimates

To include Preauthorization Estimates in the upload, select Include Preauthorization Estimates.