You cannot delete your office staff from the Dentrix database. You can, however, inactivate members of your staff. When you inactivate a staff member, you must choose a replacement. All future and unscheduled appointments that were assigned to the inactivated staff member are assigned to his or her replacement.
To inactivate office staff
1. Close all Dentrix modules on all workstations, except for the Office Manager on the computer from which you will inactivate the staff member.
2. In the Office Manager, click Maintenance, point to Practice Setup, and then click Practice Resource Setup.
The Practice Resource Setup dialog box appears.
3. Under Staff, select the staff member that you want to inactivate, click Manage, and then click Inactivate.
The Inactivate Staff dialog box appears.
4. Click the Select Replacement Staff search button.
The Select Staff Member dialog box appears.
5. Select the replacement staff member, and then click OK twice.