Viewing today’s charges      

The Today’s Charges block of the Ledger window shows information about the patient's billing charges for today’s visit.


The following information is included:

·        Today’s Charges - The total of all transactions with today’s date.

·        Est. In-Network Adjustment - The estimated amount of an in-network adjustment according to the coverage set up in the Family File. If an in-network adjustment does not apply to a patient's account, N/A appears instead of an amount.

·        Est. In-Network Allowed Amount - The estimated amount of an in-network allowed amount according to the coverage set up in the Family File. If an in-network allowed amount does not apply to a patient's account, N/A appears instead of an amount.

·        Est. Dental Ins. Portion - The estimated amount that dental insurance will pay according to the coverage set up in the Family File.

·        Est. Patient Portion - The estimated amount the patient owes according to the coverage set up in the Family File.