The account information block of the Ledger window shows information about the patient’s account used for billing.
The following information is included:
· Billing Type - A brief description of the type of billing that will be used to cover payment, such as (1) Standard Billing - finance charges, or (3) Insurance Family - delay finance charges. (Billing Types are defined in the Office Manager.)
· Last Payment - The amount and date of the last guarantor payment
· Last Ins. Payment - The amount and date of the last insurance payment.
· Last Statement Date - The last time a billing statement was printed for the account.
· Outstanding Billed to Medical/Dental - The total amount of all outstanding claims.
· Est. In-Network Adjustment - The estimated total amount of an in-network adjustment for the procedure. If an in-network adjustment does not apply to a patient's account, N/A appears instead of an amount.
· Est. In-Network Allowed Amount - The estimated total amount of an in-network allowed amount for the procedure. If an in-network allowed amount does not apply to a patient's account, N/A appears instead of an amount.
· Expected from Dental Insurance - The estimated amount that insurance will pay on all outstanding dental claims.
· Family Portion of Balance - The estimated amount the patient will owe after insurance has paid.