Saved credit/debit cards are associated with a family's account, and you can manage them from any patient file in a family account. You can add credit/debit cards to the Saved Credit Cards list.
Note: Using this method to save a card requires a $2 authorization charge to verify the card for future payments. The charge will show as "pending" on the cardholder's statement and will be reversed within 3-5 business days.
To add a credit/debit card to the Saved Credit Cards list
1. With a patient selected in the Ledger, in the toolbar, click the Saved Credit Cards button.
The Saved Credit Cards dialog box appears.
2. To save a new card, click Add.
The following message appears.
3. Insert, swipe, or enter the card number in your iPP320 device.
The Credit Card on File Consent dialog box appears.
4. Click OK.
The card is saved and will appear on the saved credit cards list.