Archiving patients with provider balances

Before you can archive a patient, you must allocate and post any outstanding balances the patient may have for the patient and guarantor. Using the Archive Patient Wizard, you can check for and display any outstanding balances. You can then post offsetting adjustments for the patient and guarantor according to the adjustment types you have set for allocating balances.

Important: Only users who have rights to "Passwords Administration" and "Patients, Archive" may create offsetting adjustments.

To archive a patient with a provider balance

1.   In the Family File, select a patient.

2.   In the Family File window, double-click the Patient Information block.

The Patient Information dialog box appears.

3.   In the Status list, select Archived, and then click OK.

The Archive Patient Wizard dialog box appears.

4.   Click Next.

The Allocate Balances Settings options appear.

5.   Do one of the following:

·        Click Next to accept the default Allocate Balances Settings.

·        Change the - Credit Adjustment Type and/or the + Charge Adjustment Type, and then click Next.

The Offsetting Adjustments appear.

6.   To post the offsetting adjustments for the patient and guarantor, click Next.

The Archive Patient summary appears.

7.   To archive the patient, click Archive.