Document Center overview
You can use the Document Center to help your office become paperless by storing and managing documents electronically. You can scan, capture, and import documents, such as patient letters, EOBs (explanation of benefits), referral letters, and images (such as patient pictures and X-rays). You can attach these documents to patients, providers, insurance carriers, and referral sources. You can also attach the documents to multiple sources for use as references, or you can print or send them as email attachments. Scanners do not have to be WIA or TWAIN compliant, and you can designate a folder that you can automatically save images and documents to regardless of the type of device you used to scan the image or document.
You can start the Document Center from any Dentrix module, including the Collections Manager and Treatment Manager.
To make viewing documents easy, the Document Center window enables you to view attached documents by patients, providers, insurance carriers, and referral sources. You can select filters to view documents acquired within a certain date range and assigned to a certain document type. You can add pages to a document, sort the pages, and adjust the color, brightness, and contrast of the image or document.