
Dentrix Customer Support

Our Customer Service Representatives make your call their top priority and dedicate their time to ensuring that your call is answered as quickly as possible. Once your call is answered, we will ensure that your call is directed to one of our highly-trained Support Specialists to handle your specific needs.

Before you call Dentrix, we recommend you have certain information available to help the technician diagnose your problem.  Please have all this information available, even though it may not be required for each call:

·        Computer specifications, such as processor type and speed, amount of memory, and hard drive size. Tip: You may want to tape this information on each monitor for quick reference.

·        Printer name

·        Printer driver being used (you can find this in the Office Manager by clicking File > Setup Printer).

·        The exact error message (if there is one)

·        The Dentrix version number (you can find this in the About Dentrix window).

·        Have you tried the general troubleshooting tips?

To contact Dentrix Customer Support

·        Call 1-800-336-8749

·        If you have a question or comment that does not require immediate assistance, you may email our support team at

For more information about Dentrix Customer Support, hours, support plans, and pricing, visit the Dentrix Customer Support web page.